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October 09, 2008 11:25 PM UTC

George W. Bush: Worst president ever, or just in the U.S.?

  • by: Half Glass Full

In the past few weeks, George W. Bush’s legacy has become all too apparent: a trillion dollars and thousands of soldiers’ lives spent on an unnecessary war; trillions more lost due to failure to properly regulate the financial markets; America’s debt burden now so crippling that even our grandchildren’s children may not recover; global warming ignored to the point where it’s probably too late to stop; loss of our moral authority as we become just another torturing regime; etc. etc.

Is it too early to vote? Is George W. Bush the worst American president ever? Or do you think someone else takes the prize? Or is he still “An American Revolutionary” (as TIME magazine wrote in 2004 in a story that now seems ridiculously naive).

Is George W. Bush the worst American President ever?

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3 thoughts on “George W. Bush: Worst president ever, or just in the U.S.?

  1. There’s so many bad ones it’s hard to choose. I think Calvin Coolidge takes the cake regarding economic issues. His lack of oversight of the financial markets makes Bush hitting the snooze look like a minor traffic infraction.

    Herbert Hoover is right up there too.

  2. …perhaps.

    But it would take a monumental effort to find a President in history that has been so bad across the board.  And before the year is done, he might just beat out the Coolidges and Hoovers in terms of economic trainwreck Presidencies.

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